The Unexpected

re-sale store near my destination. I found a chair, termed a gentleman's chair, in this shop. There were so many other great finds - end tables, consoles, lamps, picture frames, candle sticks. I stayed focused, though. The couple who owned the store were delightful and gave me the $30 chair for $20. I didn't even have to ask. The upholstery is a neat pattern, but is shredded - I'm guessing it's dry rot. This will be my first effort at re-upholstering an item like this, and I am excited about attempting this! I am going to leave the wood in it's natural color because it appears to be in decent shape.
And so, as I think about my theme of being grateful (as part of Nester's 31 day challenge), I'd have to say that I am grateful for a road trip on a beautiful fall day, going off the beaten path, and finding the unexpected. I'm also grateful that my meeting was so interesting and productive.
What unexpected, delightful things have you stumbled upon when you weren't looking? Nicole
View the index of my 31 day posts.
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